Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Divorce - Agree or Disagree

Divorce. To agree or disagree.

To argue either side, you would need to look at what marriage is about and the pros and cons.

In the sanctity of the church and in front of god, both sides will make their vows. On your wedding day you take them to cherish, love and to keep. For better for worse, for richer for poorer. And in sickness and in health, till death do you part. And forsaking all others be faithful only to them for as long as you both shall live.

You commit to a marriage to keep those vows, and who ever marries for any other reason should not marry at all. But in a life time of all humans, has a man or women ever committed to one single thing for the whole of their life and not swayed? So the same cannot be said about marriage. There will always be a little back door for someone to escape.

Divorce can be a way to get out of a sticky situation. Be it unfaithfulness, abuse: psychical or verbal, constant fighting, breakdown of communication, loss of trust and the loss of love in the marriage. We consider the most common reason for divorce as unfaithfulness. Which brings into account the taking of vows and being faithful only to that other person. Humans long for love and attention. If there is a breakdown of this in a marriage, it is common for people to seek elsewhere. So instead of trying to fix the first problem, they create an even bigger problem. But be it an abusive relationship which occurs over time, then there is really no way to fix this and no way to stop it. This is when divorce is the best and only option.

Current statistics show that divorce is not increasing as marriage has decreased. More couples find that there is no need to marry to live together or to have children, as it is merely a piece of paper and a waste of money. From 1995 marriage has dropped quite significantly as reported by Statistics New Zealand and Relationship Services Bay of Plenty.

Divorce was first introduced into New Zealand in 1867.The only grounds were adultery by the wife and adultery by the husband if accompanied by certain aggravating circumstances. No other questions were asked. From then the laws have changed to ‘irreconcilable breakdown’. Which basically means that your relationship has broken down and is at its end, which neither of you are blamed for.

A website I found listed 30 cons of divorce. The most appalling of them said: "The shame of being divorced. (Even in this day and age, there's a "shame" associated with divorce. Trust us". If you were considering divorce and you read that comment it would not be helpful, when you are already feeling so low about making such a huge decision. But this website is called marriage helper after all so there would be bias in keeping a marriage together.

People often are confused between the difference of love and lust, and then to love someone or to be in love with someone. I can only give my brief description of what I consider them to be. Lust is usually being at the start of a relationship which then grows into love after some time together. People get married usually when they love each other and are in love. Often when people are wanting a divorce you hear that the ‘love is no longer there’. They would be talking about being ‘in love’. They still love the person for who they are and how they have been involved in their life, but have no more feelings than that.

I read an article from an American website that did a study on the effects of divorce on the next generation. How a family dynamic affects the next generation and how different cultures and upbringings bring into account peoples beliefs and morals. They also looked at how single teenage mothers did later in life by staying either single or got married.

Some people either culturally or just subconsciously marry for financial security or status. As proven in a study at the Manhattan Institute and also the National Marriage Project run at Rutgers University. It showed that people are financially better off in a relationship than single. It also found out that a family worked better when there were two sets of hands instead of one. Only the case if both parents help out.

So there are pros to getting and staying married – Financial security, a child’s well being and to help keep their child's beliefs strong going forth into adulthood. The cons of staying together can include a loss of trust and constant arguing which in turn can affect a child’s wellbeing worse than ending a marriage.

The pros of divorce: Freedom to live and be as you choose and happiness away from a negative relationship. Cons of divorce: Loss of finances due to being split in half, from a prenup or from divorce lawyers. Also there is the potential to have a negative effect on your children.

So either way it is a freedom of choice for the ultimate goal in life to have happiness.


The Economist, (2007). Marriage in America, The frayed knot. Retrieved May 24th, 2007 from

Joe Beam, (2009 - 2011). Cons of Divorce. (n.d.)

Taryn Mcelheran, (2009). Postponing a divorce over economic woes will raise stress:Expert. Retrieved March 06, 2009 from

Emily Kensington, (2009). Getting over a break up or divorce. Retrieved March 12th 2009 from

Michael Dickison, (2010). Low divorce rate not a sign of happy marriages - expert. Retrieved May 5th 2010 from


  1. In regards to shame of divorce this more associated with non western cultures.Social status is also another reason but hey if it's just a piece of paper lets just let them be. What matters to me about marriage is being with someone I can put up with for the rest of life and of course they have to be willing to go into marriage if being happy means being without it then that is also fine.

    I agree with the concept of divorce if two people do want to be with each other than so be it. My parents divorced and they are now happy with other partners they use to fight with each other all the time and I wondered why they were together in the first place. Good subject choice.

  2. I support the idea of getting a divorce because everyone has a right to their own life. However, its best to actually not get married in the first place like you mentioned, its a waste of money.
    Personally I think marriage is for people with some moral base and those that have the capability to actually commit to a life long relationship.These days relationships are just based on terms of satisfying ones own self ego and lust propensities.There is no real love and people are often misled by different ideas of love which is why eventually such issues like divorce come up.I once came across a saying that said,"If you can fall out of love, you were never in love"

  3. I definitely agree with divorce, I think sometimes people get caught up in getting married to early and maybe they dont actually know their partners as well and they thought, but I dont think that means they weren't ever in love. I think sometimes as much as you love somebody if they relationship is int working then you just have give it up. "If you can fall in love you can fall out of love" especially if that loved one cheats. There are many things that cause divorce and I think you shouldn't hold on to something thats gone.

  4. Yes i defintly think that there needs to be a right to divorce. Although it shouldnt be looked at lightly, especialy with children involved! People do fall in love genuinly and i dont think that is necsseraliy ego satisfying. Sure that is part of initial attraction, but im sure one of the main compontents of love or marriage is actually playing down ones ego and developing compassion with your spouse for the sake of your relationship. I think not loving is more ego satisfying than loving is. When it comes to divorces that i have seen, i think the way people go about it is the most important aspect. Some people manage it well and end up happy with someone else. Other people end up fighting alot and that can be detremental to children, but i think if managed civily it can be alright

  5. Hi!
    I also agree that divorce should be possible for everyone. But I agree even more with the fact that marriage is nothing more that paper work and a waste of money! Marriage means nothing to people anymore, and I've personally witnessed that when my brother's ex-wife left him after being with him for 7 years, and got divorced after 6 months of marriage. She just told him one day that she didn't love him anymore, and two days later none of us have talked to her again. It made me realize that marriage is something that is meaningless, and statistically it just leads to broken promises.
    But of course divorce should be an option for anyone who chooses to get married. Marriage shouldn't be a prison for anyone.

  6. I always think that divorce or not divorce is a mutual feeling. Because two people get along together for a certain time, you will find the advantages or disadvantages of each other, see each other. When one of them can not accept the disadvantages. If two people are not happy with together, it will bring harm to both sides. In this moment may be divorce is a good idea for borth.

  7. An interesting topic!

    I personally think that these days (outisde of the church), it is becoming more common in New Zealand for people not so much to 'marry' but more so 'commit' to a joint-life.

    I also think that where marriage has occurred in the past, and divorce often seen as 'shame (as you pointed out) it is becoming more and more prevalent- for all sorts of reasons, as well as being widely accepted as part of life.

  8. A really intersting topic. The idea of divorce has never even come into my mind in relaity. I always see it on movies with couples who have said to their children that 'they are not in love anymore'. I don't get that at all, so then why get into marriage in the first place. I feel it is better to find a person and get to know them before jumping inot marriage, it will save a whole lot of drama if it doesn't work out. I think this was a awesome topic really good viewpoint as well..!

  9. I agree with divorce, I think people can love each other when they first get married but may not after 20 years, or even years. Things change, there are so many factors that come into this topic. The person you love might cheat on you or just not be the person you used to love. I think divorce can really ruin the lives of the children if not handled well though and i think if the adults go about it the right way then all will be well.

  10. I agree with divorce too. Many people believe before divorce they have to understand first but if they have problems continuously, it would effect to childeren direcly. It looks very sad but it could be better idea and way for each other and children i think.

  11. interesting!
    yeah, nowadays it is not much big issue getting divorce, but still it could be a big one somewhere.
    anyway, actually i do not agree or disagree with the divorce. to think my children if i had, it should not be divorced for the children. but for me or for the partner, if the relationship between us was getting worse and worse, it should be divorced.
    before i get married, i have no idea with this topic lol

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